Friday, February 8, 2008

This is probably my favourite project to date. I just love the colours in this book and the photos are really cute too. The kids were pleased with the result and they all loved taking the mickey out of each other when they saw the photos.

play. He did so well. He was really clear with his words and did all the actions to the songs. The play was called the Wriggley Nativity!

What happened to January?
So where did January go? Who knows? I think I probably slept through most of it!I havent added to my Blog for a while as I have been ill since Christmas really. I have had a chest infection, ear infections in both ears and sinusitis. I also had the sickness bug last week too just for good measure! I am on my 3rd lot of antibiotics and am also dosing myself up with vitamin c tablets to see if that helps.Last week was my worst week. My temperature was all over the place and although I was hot enough to roast a turkey on I was shivering uncontrollably. Wednesday night was the worst night of my life and I know it sound dramatic but I honestly thought my time was up. I was coughing and vomiting so much my whole body was in agony and I was so hot I was seeing things that werent there. By 3am I had convinced myself I had a life threatening illness that no one had discovered because of all the medication I had been taking! Looking back it looks bizarre now but I have never felt as ill as that night. I remember wishing that I would fall asleep and never wake up because I hurt so much all over, the pain was intollerable. I tried to get my husband to phone for an ambulance but he was in a deep sleep and he just said ''yeah whatever, in the morning''. He doesn't remember having a conversation with me at all that night.So that is why I havent Blogged for a while. Illness. I have just been signed off for another week as I still have the cough and I am so weak I can barely move about. I truly hope by the end of next week to be so fit and well that I will finally get my sorry body to the gym and start to work out again.

What a week!
Have you ever had such a bad week you just feel exhausted with stress? I feel so exhausted emotionally that I feel like I could fall asleep all the time where ever I am. However I haven't slept for more than a couple of hours each night for about a week and a half now. I can't get to sleep for hours after going to bed, I wake up from my sleep worrying when I do fall asleep and then I feel ill when I get up because I haven't slept. Its a vicious circle.My poor daughter has had a hard time with bullying in her school...and I hap

This is a photo book I did of my two girls. I thoroughly enjoyed making this and it is so much nicer to look at than at a normal photo album. The girls liked it too although they aren't too happy about it being on display!
Baby Cohen

This card was made for my friends sons' first baby. It took a long time to make but it was worth it. I was pleased with the end result and Cohens parents absolutley loved it too. All of the birth details are on the card as are a few of his first photos. A lovely keepsake for the little one to enjoy when he is 6 foot tall and old enough to be a dad himself!

Dads birthday card.

I thought I would add a few cards etc that I have done. They were done last year but I have never got round to Blogging them. So here they are.
This particular card was made for my dad last year for his birthday. I absolutley loved the colour of the card stock and was really chuffed to find a matching ribbon to make the tie. My dad loved the card too so that made it perfect for me.

A perfect day!
Today has been quite productive for me. I have loaded and unloaded the dishwasher...dont laugh, its quite a feat for me at the moment! I have received my first ever online food shopping order from ASDA. What a wonderful thing that was. The experience is fantastic. You shop from your armchair, you pay from your arm chair, there are NO QUEUES, no screaming children, no acres of aisles to walk up and down and then a very nice man comes right to your door and drops it off! FANTASTIC! If you havent tried it, you should. They only forgot one item but I phoned and they will refund the money in the next week.After putting the food away I had to have a rest and what better way to rest than with QVC on watching Rosemary Merry crafting! No kids about just me and the remote and a cup of tea. Definately to be recommended.The kids came home from school and then I started the dinner. Just a simple sausage, chips and beans tonight. I needed to conserve my energy for the pudding. It was none other than pancakes! My kids would have killed me if I hadn't have done them pancakes. Mostly we had fresh lemon and sugar on them but a couple of the kids opted for chocolate spread on one too! Jack tried to get 4 pancakes out of us but we told him that at only 6, three pancakes was more than enough. His dad and me only had 2!After tea I watched another hour of Rosemary Merry on QVC and then emailed my friend in the USA.So all in all a very pleasant day. Atlast I think I may be on the mend :¬)

Monday, 4 February 2008

Its Monday again
Where do the weeks go. Its Monday again already. I am off sick still so I have had yet another boring day! I am still lacking in energy too so I am unable to do very much without wearing myself out. I dont even have the energy to must be serious!My little boy came home from school today and made me yet another Get Well card. He is so sweet. He also showed me his Easter Card design that he did at school. The idea is that we pay for his design to be made into a set of Easter cards. Bless he loves his art etc so we will give in and let him have a set made up.Hannah has had a bad day at school today. A bit of bullying from a girl in her tutorial and all because Hannah wouldnt give her a stick of chewing gum! Kids! Anyway we had a chat and she did some jobs for me (what a sweetie) and she was right as rain.Robyn has made a decision on her future she thinks. She has decided to take A levels at Cheltenham College. Its going to be a nightmare getting her there, well to the bus stop in time anyway but I would rather sacrifice a couple of years of inconvenience if it gets her a future that she will enjoy and cherish.Well I am off to watch the rest of Grand Designs now. Its another gorgeous house but so white, so much glass etc, its not for me. I am not sure that I could cope with all that cleaning!

Hello I thought I would do a quick update as my pc is on.I have managed a trip out today to the launerette to get all my washing done. Such an exciting life I lead, I know! I spoiled the little man whilst we were out. He had a sausage in batter for dinner from the chippie and sweets for pudding! Dont tell the dentist! He was such a good boy, holding doors open, unlocking the car, locking the car, paying for things. How could I not spoil him? I have to say though I feel quite done in now. Its only 7 miles to town but I am still very shakey and I guess my body isnt keen on movement still. We also bought some cat and rabbit biscuits whilst we were out but the lady didnt label them and they look the same. Im not sure if the right animals are getting the right food now?My eldest got up this morning, made her self a fried egg for breakfast and then retreated to her room, leaving the mess in the kitchen! She then appeared about 11 and asked what time I thought I would be getting dressed as she needed a lift to the bus stop! What a cheeky madam. I said she could put the washing on the line for me in exchange for a lift. I thought that was fairly fair. She didnt. It isnt her washing and she definately isnt going to hang it out on the line, she would rather walk the 5 miles to the bus stop! Well after alot of face pulling and teenage sulking she tidied the kitchen and swept the floor in exchange for a lift as I decided the launderette would be a better option than the washing line.Since my return I have done very little, except almost set fire to the house! I was making the fire up (we only have solid fuel heating) and I couldnt get the door shut as one of the blocks was jammed. Anyway after alot of shoving and pulling it came out but was on fire! The little man thought it was funny but told me to let him do it next time as he knows what he is doing! Can you imagine what he is going to be like when he is older. Hes 6 going on 16 already.Well DH has just got home from doing jobs at the farm his parents have. He has announced he is off to his friends to watch the rugby and me and littleman are invited too. I dont think I have got the energy but I dont want to stay home on my own again. I guess if he is driving I only have to walk from the chair to the car and then back to the chair! Minbd you he will drink and then I will have to drive. AH thats why I am invited! Not because he wants my dynamic company...but because he needs a chauffeaur for the trip home!Oh well I guess I will manage, just this once! I always seem to be saying that when it comes to driving. DH always drives to the venues and muggins always seems to drive home!

Friday, 1 February 2008

Christmas Morning

Here are my little monkies on Christmas morning. Jack is proudly wearing his new outfit but has taken his gorgeous waistcoat off in this photo. Robyn and Hannah are wearing new jumpers that Father Christmas bought for them. I have to say they all look rather beautiful I think! Robyn loved her jumper so much that she infact wore it all week after! YUK!

This is my son playing Joseph in his school pen to work there too. She has already had her nose broken this year along with verbal threats etc. Obviously its makes life very hard for her and as a result she is vile most days. DH and I are worn out dealing with her in every day situations let alone what else the bullying issues add to the equation. I then have to deal with the second and 3rd child trying for attention because they feel they are losing out.We have had Ofsted at school this week, I was ok but it has caused all sorts of stress for people so the workplace has been a bit fraught too. I am truly exhausted and just spend most of my time in tears. I keep disappearing to the loos at work and having a good cry. I spend most of the evenings at home crying and most of the night crying too. What a disaster.So thats why I havent had time to update, nor to make Christmas cards, nor to cook cakes for my family, nor to keep my house tidy and nor to just spend 5 minutes just sat quietly with my dh.Well thats my depressing blog over for today. I am sorry. I hope the next one will be more inspiring.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Recommend below are the secret recipe for healthy drinking.
Carrot + Ginger + Apple> Boost and cleanse our system.
Apple + Cucumber + Celery> Prevent cancer, reduce cholesterol, and improve stomach upset and headache.
Tomato + Carrot + Apple
> Improve skin complexion and bad breath.
litter gourd + Apple + Milk> Avoid bad breath and reduce internal body heat.
Orange + Ginger + Cucumber> Improve skin texture and moisture and reduce body heat.
Pineapple + Apple + Watermelon
> To dispel excess salts, nourishes the bladder and kidney
Apple + Cucumber + Kiwi> To improves skin complexion.
Pear & Banana> To regulates sugar content.
Carrot + Apple + Pear + Mango> Clear body heat, counteracts toxicity, decreased blood pressure and Fight oxidization!
Honeydew + Grape + Watermelon + Milk> Rich in vitamin C + Vitamin B2 that increases cell
activity and Strengthen body immunity.
Papaya + Pineapple + Milk> Rich in vitamin C, E, Iron. Improve skin complexion and metabolism.
Banana + Pineapple + Milk> Rich in Vitamin with nutritious and prevent constipation

Liver Damage
Liver Damage
Good rest and sound sleep is veryImportant... if u don't sleep well,The toxic in your body will accumulate..Affecting your health and your mood...The main causes of liver damage are:1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are the main cause.2. Not urinating in the morning.3. Too much eating.4. Skipping breakfast.5. Consuming too much medication.6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, food coloring, and artificial sweetener.7. Consuming unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce cooking oil use when frying, which includes even the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not consume fried foods when you are tired, except if the body is very fit.8. Consuming overly done foods also add to the burden of liver. Veggies should be eaten raw or cooked 3-5 parts. Fried veggies should be finished in one sitting, do not store.We just have to adopt a good daily lifestyle and eating habits. Maintaining good eating habits and time condition are very important for our body to absorb and get rid of unnecessary chemicals according to "schedule."
Posted by jerrymagi at 3:16 AM 0 comments

Stay Sound
Blood Pressure
What is Normal Blood Pressure ? Buy and use a blood pressure monitor. Compare your BP reading with the numbers on the chart above. Draw a line from your systolic pressure to your diastolic pressure.
Is the slope of the line about the same as shown on the chart? Where do YOU fit in? What are your risk factors?Are your blood pressure readings within the normal blood pressure range?Should you take anti-hypertension medication to lower your blood pressure? Normal human daily Blood Pressure Range can vary widely, so any single blood pressure monitor reading is not reliable. BP monitor readings must be taken at different times of day, to determine AVERAGE blood pressure over time. What is important is your AVERAGE BP, or MAP (Mean Arterial Pressure) over time. Or, where are those numbers sitting MOST of the time? Normal MAP is about 93 mm of mercury.Lowering High Blood Pressure TacticsDownload a 1-page printable .PDF file of the Blood Pressure Range Chart NotesNORMAL BLOOD PRESSUREREADINGS RANGEHIGH Blood Pressure Symptoms -Stressed, Sedentary, Bloated, Weak, Failing Systolic - Diastolic LOW Blood Pressure Symptoms -Weak, Tired, Dizzy, Faintin
Stay Sound
10 Little Things
10 Little Things you can do for the Environment
1. Use a glass when brushing your teeth. Every year, billions of liters of fresh water is wasted by simply not using a glass when brushing your teeth.2. Don’t use straws. They say the straw is the most stupid invention. They are unnecessary and only add to our waste problem.3. Say NO to plastics when shopping. Bring your own reusable bags when doing your grocery, or when buying single items like books or cd’s, a plastic bag, or even a paper bag is unnecessary.
.4. Turn off the lights. When there is ample daylight or when no one is in the room. You not only save on electricity, you also lower temperature as light gives off heat.5. Walk. Take the stairs. Or car pool or take public transportation. You not only lower your carbon gas emissions, you are also doing your heart good when you walk regularly.6. Unplug cell phone chargers after use. As well as all unused electronic appliances. Some appliances use more electricity even when not in use. Microwave oven with timers uses more electricity on stand by mode the entire day than when you cook dinner with it.7. Use both sides of the paper. And make sure to recycle it after. You not only lessen your wastes but you also help stop the unnecessary cutting of more trees.8. Turn off shower when soaping. And make sure to avoid long and frequent showers. Showering three times a day not only uses precious fresh water, but also creates more waste water that goes into our rivers and lakes. It dries your skin too.9. Never burn anything. Burned resources are lost forever. Burning also releases harmful substances into the atmosphere. Reduce and reuse always. Compost and recycle what you can.
10. Tell your friends about this. Spread the word, and together we can make a difference.

Monday, February 4, 2008

What is it all about ?!

When people talk about "LOVE" they suddenly become poets. In fact they are just saying things they don't understand. What is love after all? Nobody can answer this question. Is it an emotion? Is it a feeling? is it a phychological trance-like case? What it is in reality ???! Some poets described it so beautifully that almost all the readers seem not to be loved enough as it should be!
What's the difference between "I love you!" and "You love me!" ? One of the two is more egotistic, the other is rather masochistic. In both cases love is the victim because it is manipulated by abnormal people!!!
When you read the following definitions of love, you can see how many faces love has. It is not love which is multifaceted. On the contrary, They are our views which give it this diversity. But love is eventually One only hearts are able to express yet not to articulate. Once the tongues interfere between the heart and love, hypocrisy governs the relationship between the Lovers.
Devoted, affectionate, admirer, fond, sensitive, sentient ... are words which try hard to hount the castle of love but in vain because the castle is inpenetrable. Those who seem to talk about love as experts are just sitting in the lower step of the castle's threshold.
Consider The following:
L O V E * L O V E * L O V E * L O V E
Love is a crime which requires an accomplice.
Love is an outlaw. It is always "WANTED".
Love is a droplet of snow. It starts tiny at the summit, but it ends Colossal at the bottom.
Love is a college in which lovers are taught how to enter forbidden zones without being detected.
Love is sung in consert under spotlights and made in complete darkness.
Love is a lion that no one can intimidate .. except hunger!.
Love is a story not to be told twice.
Love is one but it takes different shapes.
Love is cold-blood; it needs a lot of human "Heat" to act.
Love is a tree. The bigger it is, the larger its shadow will get.
Love is a clock that needs to be permanently winded up so as not to stop "tic-tac"_ing.
Love is a stranger. When you invite it "home", it soon becomes a member of the "family".
Love is bigger than a catastrophe when it is "left-handed"
Love is the only apparent enemy of hatred and ... money!.
Love is not love unless it comes in a ravaging flood of sentiments.
Love is a nuclear reactor. It emits huge energy before it explodes.
Love has never been a rose that its thorns sting the Heart. (Roses are supposed to wither very quickly)


Mohandas Gandhi (1869 - 1948)

Mohandas Gandhi Known as 'Mahatma' (great soul), Gandhi was the leader of the Indian nationalist movement against British rule, and is widely considered the father of his country. His doctrine of non-violent protest to achieve political and social progress has been hugely influential.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar in Gujarat. After university, he went to London to train as a barrister. He returned to India in 1891 and in 1893 accepted a job at an Indian law firm in Durban, South Africa. Gandhi was appalled by the treatment of Indian immigrants there, and joined the struggle to obtain basic rights for them. During his 20 years in South Africa he was sent to prison many times. Influenced primarily by Hinduism, but also by elements of Jainism and Christianity as well as writers including Tolstoy and Thoreau, Gandhi developed the satyagraha ('devotion to truth'), a new non-violent way to redress wrongs. In 1914, the South African government conceded to many of Gandhi's demands.
Gandhi returned to India shortly afterwards. In 1919, British plans to intern people suspected of sedition - the Rowlatt Acts - prompted Gandhi to announce a new satyagraha which attracted millions of followers. A demonstration against the acts resulted in the Amritsar Massacre by British troops. By 1920, Gandhi was a dominant figure in Indian politics. He transformed the Indian National Congress, and his programme of peaceful non-cooperation with the British included boycotts of British goods and institutions, leading to arrests of thousands.
In 1922, Gandhi himself was sentenced to six years' imprisonment. He was released after two years and withdrew from politics, devoting himself to trying to improve Hindu-Muslim relations, which had worsened. In 1930, Gandhi proclaimed a new campaign of civil disobedience in protest at a tax on salt, leading thousands on a 'March to the Sea' to symbolically make their own salt from seawater.
In 1931, Gandhi attended the Round Table Conference in London, as the sole representative of the Indian National Congress, but resigned from the party in 1934 in protest at its use of non-violence as a political expedient. He was replaced as leader by Jawaharlal Nehru.
In 1945, the British government began negotiations which culminated in the Mountbatten Plan of June 1947, and the formation of the two new independent states of India and Pakistan, divided along religious lines. Massive inter-communal violence marred the months before and after independence. Gandhi was opposed to partition, and now fasted in an attempt to bring calm in Calcutta and Delhi. On 30 January 1948, he was assassinated in Delhi by a Hindu fanatic


Romantic Tips
Leave a trail of your clothes from the front door to the bedroom.
Kiss every square inch of her body S-L-O-W-L-Y !
Hide a love note in a bottle of vitamins. The note will say: "Try some vitamin L."
Scatter rose petals all over the bed.
Buy the music CD "Let's talk about love" by Celine Dion.
Cover the room with helium balloons.
Three simple sex rules: * gals are slow, guys are fast * guys are visual: Show him... * gals are auditory: Tell her...
Surprise her with a crystal vase full of flowers.
Write notes on Post-it notes and stick them around the house.
Don't buy cheap lingerie unless you plan to rip it off her in passionate lovemaking.
Toss a coin in a fountain and make a wish together.
For parents only: spend a whole afternoon taking photograps of your family


Best Friends: How to Grow a Friend A twelve-step program
The best time to grow a best friend is before you need one!
Written or compiled by Joy Stevens
1. People Equal Friends.There is a certain chemistry with friends just as in a love relationship. Therefore, contact with other people is the first building block to grow a friend. Friends can't grow in a vacuum. Best friends take time.
2. Talking Is Essential Among Friends.Talking between friends requires reciprocity. In a mutually satisfying friendship, both friends talk and both friends listen. Friends talk appropriately to each other.
3. Friends Acknowledge Friends.Friends acknowledge each other when talking. Many conflicts in your personal relationships can be avoided if you will take the time to acknowledge other's feelings and points of view.
4. Friends Listen to Friends.Listening to friends in an important step in building a closer friendship. We often take listening for granted, never realizing what it means to really listen to a friend.
5. Friends Attend to Friends.Friends focus during conversations. Friends pay attention in conversations. It means that your ears, your eyes, your body and your feelings are all focused on that person at the time.
6. Friends Show Empathy With Friends.Empathy is identifying with your friend's feelings and seeing life through your friend's eyes. Confidences are freely given when they are received with empathy among friends.
7. Friends Touch Friends.Touching is a warm form of communication between friends. When you see best friends communicating, you will notice friends "listen with their eyes," stand close together, and touch comfortably.
8. Friends Praise Friends.Affirmation is a powerful tool for growing a friend. Genuine praise can affect your friends' lives. Be liberal with praise for all of your friends, including your casual ones.
9. Friends Are Loyal and Trustworthy.Trust and loyalty go hand-in-hand for friends. Friends can trust you with their secrets, both large and small, because good friends never break a confidence. Good friends are forever loyal!
10. Friends are Equal.Friends are on a seesaw. In a healthy relationship, friends are equals. Not 50/50 every time, of course, but with a true, lasting friendship it always evens out in the end.
11. Friends Reveal Their Feelings.We feel closest to our friends when we are suffering together, when we feel like our friend needs us, or when we feel a friend has shared something of great importance with us.
12. Friends Do Not Mind Read.The person who thinks, "If you really liked me, you could read my mind" can not have an adult friendship. No friend can read your mind. And you can not read your friend's mind.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

beautiful water falls


A splendid piece of architecture standing in the heart of the city built by Quli Qutub Shah, in 1591. This magnificent monument is the unique symbol of Hyderabad. Charminar is often called as "The Arc de triomphe of the East". It is considered as the legendary masterpiece of Qutub Shahi's. This beautiful structure derives its name from four intricately carved minarets, The four graceful minarets literally meaning 'Four Minars', soar to a height of 48.7m each, above the ground. It is located amidst the colourful shops of Lad Bazaar with its glittering traditional bangles in the old city. Enormous in its size, this imposing monument exudes a charm that is more than 400 years old. The Qutub Shahi ReignThe history of Hyderabad begins with the establishment of the Qutub Shahi dynasty. Owing to the inadequacy of water and frequent epidemics of plague and cholera Quli Qutub Shah established the new city with the Charminar at its centre with four great roads fanning out in four cardinal directions. The plan is a square, each side 20m long, while the four arches are 11m wide and rise 20m from the plinth. The four-storeyed minarets rise 20m from the roof of the massive monument and measure 24m from the plinth. The western section of the roof contains a mosque, ranking among the finest the gifted Qutub Shahi artisans ever built. There are 45 prayer spaces with a large open space in front to accommodate more for Friday prayers. To the east of this space is a lovely verandah with a large open arch in the centre, flanked by smaller ones on both sides. A Representation Of Indo-Sarcenic TraditionIt was built with granite and lime-mortar. It is a blend of 'Cazia' and Islamic style of architecture. The intertwined arches and domes are examples of typical Islamic style of the architecture. The graceful floral motif atop the Charminar is enchanting. The Charminar depicts the Indo-Saracenic tradition - a symbiosis of the Hindu and the Muslim traditions, which has woven the magic of a rich Deccan culture. The Charminar looks spectacular particularly in the nights when it is illuminated. It offers an excellent panoramic view of the city and Golconda Fort, which makes the mind go back into time and recapitulates the past glory of Hyderabad during the Qutub Shahi times. Charminar has become an inseparable part of the history of Hyderabad.