Monday, February 4, 2008


Romantic Tips
Leave a trail of your clothes from the front door to the bedroom.
Kiss every square inch of her body S-L-O-W-L-Y !
Hide a love note in a bottle of vitamins. The note will say: "Try some vitamin L."
Scatter rose petals all over the bed.
Buy the music CD "Let's talk about love" by Celine Dion.
Cover the room with helium balloons.
Three simple sex rules: * gals are slow, guys are fast * guys are visual: Show him... * gals are auditory: Tell her...
Surprise her with a crystal vase full of flowers.
Write notes on Post-it notes and stick them around the house.
Don't buy cheap lingerie unless you plan to rip it off her in passionate lovemaking.
Toss a coin in a fountain and make a wish together.
For parents only: spend a whole afternoon taking photograps of your family

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